Welcome to the Special Education Gateway, your passage to effective strategies and resources for teaching students with special needs in Ontario’s elementary and secondary schools. This site has been developed by the Ontario Teachers’ Federation (OTF), with funding from the Ontario Ministry of Education.
All students can learn with the use of specific strategies that meet each student’s unique learning needs. Teaching strategies can be implemented for any student who needs them, regardless of formal identification. This site serves as a collection of resources for teachers to easily access and implement with their students.
The strategies and resources outlined here are suggestions only. Every student is unique. Teachers and school teams will use professional judgment to determine the strategies most appropriate to meet students’ educational needs.
Since the internet is overflowing with information for teachers, we’ve undertaken some of the groundwork by providing web-based resources in each section. Please note that OTF does not endorse the websites listed nor their sponsoring organizations. OTF cannot accept liability for errors or omissions in any of the information provided, nor any changes to the website addresses.
Please use the Share a Strategy link to submit your favourite strategies and resources for teaching students with special needs. We welcome your feedback to make this a useful and useable resource for all educators. You can also submit your general comments about the site by contacting OTF directly. Our contact information is provided under our Contact Us page. Together we can make a difference!