Aggression Management

What it is

An area of student need based on his/her demonstrated verbal, non-verbal or physical actions.

Teaching Strategies

• Use direct instruction/social skills lessons to teach appropriate ways to express anger.
• Establish baseline of current frequency of aggression and develop alternative programming goal on the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP).
• Collaborate with the in-school support team.
• Deliver a balanced program, reflecting preferred and non-preferred activities for the student, to decrease likelihood of aggression.


• Establish a “time-out”/”cool-down” area(s) and protocol for use.
• Keep scissors or other potentially dangerous items in a teacher-controlled area.
• Post classroom rules, routines and schedules.
• Teach the entire class emergency exit procedures and have a predetermined location evacuation.
• Provide calming tools (stress balls, "fidget" toys, drawing, music/iPod).
• Post and refer to social skills charts outlining pro-social responses.
• Use preferential seating and close proximity to the teacher.


• Give advance notice of tests and assignments (e.g. one-week/month notice on a written calendar).
• Give a choice of assessment options.
• Provide an option for open book tests.
• Minimize distractions; consider an alternative testing location.
• Chunk tests and assignments into small tasks and provide feedback as each component is completed.
• Reduce quantity of test/assignment items.
• Provide additional time (ensure space is available, should it extend into recess/next class).
• Provide periodic supervised breaks.

Student Needs IPRC Exceptionalites Diagnosed Conditions